Bedrijf Chemisch RecyclenCommunityNetwerk Chemisch Recyclen


We produce electricity, gas or oil (as secondary raw material) for direct use or to be stored.

Our solution

Waste4ME is pioneering the recycling industry by giving previously incinerated waste a second life. Our company turns a global environmental problem into a sustainable solution. Plastic waste, one of the largest types of waste streams, is transformed into low-carbon products and valuable petrochemical products. Our solution allows the implementation of sustainable waste disposal techniques and functions as a bridge from intermittent energy supply in remote locations. This way, we empower companies and communities to become more environmentally friendly.

Our team, in collaboration with parties from the waste sector and the petrochemical industry, has worked on the design of the plant and its technical, operational and legal processes. Together, we seize chemical recycling opportunities, produce high-value oil and recover metals. Our focus is on plastic streams that cannot be recycled and are now incinerated or exported to countries outside the EU.

​The potential market for plastics is enormous. In the past decade, 300-350 million tons of new plastics have been produced each year This market is growing rapidly and will continue to grow. Moreover, the market for mechanical separation is at the limits of technology. Only a small part of the total volume of plastic waste can be separated.

​Currently everything that cannot be mechanically recycled is either incinerated or disposed of in landfills. Incineration is the most wide-spread waste disposal technology in Europe but it has a very limited future due to emissions. This is also the case with landfilling. However, in addition to toxic chemicals that leachate into surrounding soils and bodies of water, landfills take up a lot of space that could be otherwise used. The creation of further landfills is prohibited and has significant impacts for the environment and policy. Incineration technology is also being phased-out.

Contrarily to mechanical recycling, incineration and landfilling, pyrolysis reduces plastics to monomers as a basis for making new plastics. This process is much more circular and minimizes emissions of carbon dioxide, as shown in third-party environmental reports. The emissions from pyrolysis are approximately 50% lower than the current ‘best’ solution. In addition, by closing the material loop, this technology makes it possible to substitute virgin feedstocks with crude oils from the pyrolysis process.

In addition, the gate fee prices are very high at the moment and are only rising. Therefore, there is a growing demand for a waste processing alternative from both environmental and economic perspectives.


Waste4ME builds and operates chemical recycling plants for plastic waste starting by 35.000 tons per year. The goal is to increase the size of the waste plants in order to recycle 250.000 tons per year. The first plant is planned to be built in Moerdijk, the Netherlands in 2022. The location committee of the environmental service has advised positively for a formal permit at the intended location.

Our business case is based on technology that meets the strictest emission requirements, based on EU standards. In addition, our business case is economically viable and has gate fee prices which are lower than the current ones applicable in the Dutch market.

We also sell our individual systems through dealers for countries that have a less developed waste collection and separation infrastructure and where landfilling is now the only affordable solution. Waste4ME not only offers the system itself, but also provides an in depth knowledge and expertise as well as capacity sale for the parties with smaller waste flows.


The Waste Energy Recycling (WER) unit is a mobile waste management pyrolysis technology, that uses a chemical process, to decompose input streams by heating them at a high temperature without the presence of oxygen. Additionally, metal components get separated and are then available for reuse. The output of this pyrolysis reaction is gas, oil or an electricity stream, depending on homogeneity of the waste input.

All in all, WER is a turn-key solution, that is quick to install and easy to operate. Thanks to its mobile nature, WER allows to reduce transport, electricity and gas costs. Overall, we tackle waste where recycling is not feasible and we offer a green solution where waste disposal is an issue.